Friday, January 2, 2009

A Message from the Angels

10th December
On Board Seoul- Hongkong - Penang

Dearest One,

Learn to break down the jumble thoughts into simple pieces. Do not leave pieces unattended as it will not bring forth clarity of mind.

It does not constitute 'waiting for the right moment' because in 'waiting' where is the present? Anticipation is a word for the future.

Prepare yourself, and prepare at all times with MINDFULNESS. In there it will be an automatic recognition when the moment happens. Just like the trip to Seoul or the 'snowing' moment in Seoul - you prepared so you 'took' the moment to its fullest.

This is true being. That is being able to answer the universe's call at all times - not attach to one's outcome. Therefore, why not be mindful of the conditions you put in? Why not prepare and be ready as there is always a time for everything and a reason for its happening. Be open to the suprise as then that is true being.

Take care and be love my dearest one.


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