08th January 2009
Penang Malaysia
Think I have been hit hard today. I know the last few days isn't going on great. There seems to be so many questions so little answers. A lot of feelings and emotions emerge again and I felt like I am slowly slipping backwards into a space of "I don't know why these is all happening all over AGAIN!!!"
However, the universe always has its way. My mom became my earth angel this round. She was like Jenn, why not you pick on your cards and do your reading. Sometimes we move forward so fast we tend to forget the most basic tool.
So here I am doing my card readings. Most interestingly, most interestingly the angels never fail to answer one's call. I kept the question and reading simple three cards. The 'gift' card brought me thru to what I forgot or rather failed to remember:
Living through Grace is one of the highest spiritual lesson. The simplest and easiest form of living yet so easy that I kept forgetting about it.
I love Cheryl Richardson's defination of Grace "...comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning favor, charm, or thanks. Spiritual traditions from around the world share a similiar understanding of this word. In Sanskrit, grace is akin to the word grnati, which means He praises, and to call or invoke. In Christian terms, grace is defined as the infinite love, mercy,favor, and goodwill shown by God to humankind. In Judaism, the concept of Grace is expressed by the Hebrew word hesed, meaning mercy, or loving-kindness." My understanding of Buddhist teaching leads me to define grace as 'true nature of things', 'the flow of life itself where we are all connected as one' or the Buddha nature in us.
Living thru Grace means allowing everything to unfold itself to perfection of time, place and people through the arrangement of the divine intelligience. Life in Grace flows effortlessly into itself, completing each piece of its puzzle to the bigger picture.
On the other end of the spectrum is living through our ego-self. The ego-self is concern about doing things and completing the 'to-do-list' of the day with great difficulties to just give it a sense of achievement in the end. It heightens the suffering and cost to prove its goodness.
I guess my ego came out to play!
So now I am back to re-membering that "Grace means I understands something is done through me not by me. As grace take hard work out of it and accomplish". As each time it accomplish everything better than I could have done it myself!
Penang Malaysia
Think I have been hit hard today. I know the last few days isn't going on great. There seems to be so many questions so little answers. A lot of feelings and emotions emerge again and I felt like I am slowly slipping backwards into a space of "I don't know why these is all happening all over AGAIN!!!"
However, the universe always has its way. My mom became my earth angel this round. She was like Jenn, why not you pick on your cards and do your reading. Sometimes we move forward so fast we tend to forget the most basic tool.
So here I am doing my card readings. Most interestingly, most interestingly the angels never fail to answer one's call. I kept the question and reading simple three cards. The 'gift' card brought me thru to what I forgot or rather failed to remember:
Living through Grace is one of the highest spiritual lesson. The simplest and easiest form of living yet so easy that I kept forgetting about it.
I love Cheryl Richardson's defination of Grace "...comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning favor, charm, or thanks. Spiritual traditions from around the world share a similiar understanding of this word. In Sanskrit, grace is akin to the word grnati, which means He praises, and to call or invoke. In Christian terms, grace is defined as the infinite love, mercy,favor, and goodwill shown by God to humankind. In Judaism, the concept of Grace is expressed by the Hebrew word hesed, meaning mercy, or loving-kindness." My understanding of Buddhist teaching leads me to define grace as 'true nature of things', 'the flow of life itself where we are all connected as one' or the Buddha nature in us.
Living thru Grace means allowing everything to unfold itself to perfection of time, place and people through the arrangement of the divine intelligience. Life in Grace flows effortlessly into itself, completing each piece of its puzzle to the bigger picture.
On the other end of the spectrum is living through our ego-self. The ego-self is concern about doing things and completing the 'to-do-list' of the day with great difficulties to just give it a sense of achievement in the end. It heightens the suffering and cost to prove its goodness.
I guess my ego came out to play!
So now I am back to re-membering that "Grace means I understands something is done through me not by me. As grace take hard work out of it and accomplish". As each time it accomplish everything better than I could have done it myself!
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